The LangChain Team

🌐 LangChain Templates

AUTHOR: The LangChain Team

Announcing LangChain Templates

A collection of easily deployable reference architectures for a wide variety of tasks so you can get going fast.

New to LangChain Templates

LangChain Templates are the easiest way to get started building GenAI applications. We have dozens of examples that you can adopt for your own use cases, giving you starter code that’s easy to customize. As a big bonus, LangChain Templates integrate seamlessly with LangSmith, so you can monitor them too.

Check out to see them all!

A few of our most recent favorites are:

  • Research assistant: build a research assistant with a retriever of your choice! Inspired by the great gpt-researcher .

  • Advanced RAG with Neo4j: sometimes basic RAG doesn’t cut it . We highly recommend this template if you want to experiment with different retrieval strategies. You’ll learn about different techniques: traditional, parent retriever, hypothetical questions, and summarization.

  • Extraction with Anthropic Models: use prompting techniques to do extraction with Anthropic models.

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